Monday, February 26, 2007

...with Wings

Bunny's movements are becoming more pronounced now. Indeed, it feels like there are butterflies in my stomach, i.e., literally. Soon the butterflies will mutate into birds then into bats then into a healthy baby Boy. ;p

The entire afternoon, Bunny seemed uneasy. I felt him move round-&-about, here-&-there. I'm uncertain if my pants was squeezing him a bit in that I am seated or I was often pressing my tummy against the edge of the table which bothers him a lot? *paranoid*


Of course, we all know that nothing can directly affect the baby for the amniotic fluid cushions his body well...AND...the baby is starting to stretch & flex his arms & legs, hence, the movements. And moreover, Bunny's a boy kaya malikot. *wink*

If only MEN can experience this too. They'd love it. I swear! =)

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