We did the Doppler scan yesterday & was soooo ecstatic upon seeing the results. Sitting at the lounge while waiting for my turn for ~45 mins made me verrrrry, verrrry anxious. Days prior, I had conditioned myself 'though to accept the worst. Eileen a.k.a. the pessimist...but who's to blame? *
Refer to my previous post =)And now, on my 18th week, we were able to see Bunny In & Out. Bunny equals HE and HE is normal. Of course, we have to accept that not all anomalies can be detectable even by such full assessment. But inspite of it all, I am more hopeful and more positive than ever.
Happy thoughts....think of happy thoughts. See how cute the pics are --
his kidneys, bladder, genitals(?), leg, feet & hands....
...and my R&L uterine artery, his head, spine, orbits, lips & nose, thorax and abdomen.
Sometimes you have to imagine then visualize how they look like. =) The exam went well, with the thrill of hearing the swish-swoosh, wee-yoh wee-yoh sound of the baby and the blood flow.
As you can see, Bilateral Uterine notches were seen. My O&G simply and subtly explained it as irregular flow of blood in the uterine artery to the placenta. So, in order to "correct" this, she advised me to sleep on my left side with a pillow semi-tucked under my back, at the same time take deep breathes m-o-r-e often to permit oxygenation. If after a few weeks & there's no change, I'll have to ingest aspirin.
I've been reading articles 'bout the notches and I guess I'm starting to get panicky again. Notches could result in IUGR (intrauterine growth retardation), low birth weight, premature birth etc..etc..blah..blah. After a few clicks, I stopped. Anyway, I was assured that it is not something that alarming. The readings may still change since the scan was done earlier than the recommended time. Luckily, Bunny cooperated, otherwise we will have to be rescheduled after a week or so.
Gosh! Is it fate...or is it just me? *wink*