And in return:
A surgeon, pathologist, physician, psychiatrist and radiologist go duckhunting out on a pond.
As the first duck flies over head, the psychiatrist takes aim, ....but doesn't fire.
"What the hell happened?" demands the surgeon (they're known for their retiring manner)
"Well, says the psychiatrist, I know its a duck, and YOU know its a duck- but does the duck know its a duck?"
The second bird flies over head, and the physician takes aim.....but doesn't fire.
"What now???" roars the surgeon.
Well, says the physician, in a recent article I read in the New England Journal of Medicine, 12% of ducks are actually Terns, and they're a protected species....
The third duck flies over, and the radiologist takes aim......then paddles the boat further into the pond, then takes aim, then paddlesback a bit, then takes a further aim....and by this time the duck has gone.
"Jesus wept!" explodes the surgeon, what the f*** were you doing?
Well, says the radiologist - every time I took aim, I realised that I needed another view.
After lunch, they re-group for more hunting.
This time the surgeon gets out his double barrelled, gold plated bazooka, blows his duck whistle - and as a flock of birds swarm overhead, he fires randomly and enthusiastically into the air. Objects rainout of the sky. When he had finally finished blasting away to the heavens - he turned to the pathologist and said: "row over to all those bodies, and tell me if any of them was a duck".