Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Simon says: JUMP!

intransitive verb 1 a: to spring into the air : leap ; especially : to spring free from the ground or other base by the muscular action of feet and legs b: to move suddenly or involuntarily

Here comes another Kimi milestone @ nearly 19months.

A week had passed with Kimi attempting to jump. He'd seen it from one of the kids in the playground. Eversince that day, he's been trying to mimic the move with feet slightly close apart, bending the knee down and propelling his body up while keeping the heel raised on tippy toes. He still dosen't know how to do it correctly, i.e. to sustain his ~15kg weight. Eventually, he would know; he is such a curious boy.


What next?

Hmmmm....can't wait for the real thing. Hubi must capture it with his cam.

Update you soon!

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