Friday, March 30, 2007

plus/minus 27weeks

I had my check-up today and there's nothing much interesting to share. The procedure remains the same - scan here&there, to&fro, however, the euphoria of just seeing the baby's heartbeat makes a great difference.

Bunny was quite naughty throughout the scan. I had a view of his butt for the first time and his unusually spread fingers, as if waving to me either saying "Hi, Mommy!" or "Look Mom, I can count". Whichever way he goes, he's still at the same upright position as last month. He's not ready yet. Hmmm...CS to the rescue? It's way too early...hello?

So far I have gained ~10kg and 10% of it is Bunny's weight, as of this moment. Time moves so fast and I'm having the jitters already.

I may have high pain tolerance but as the day draws closer, I'm slowly creeping towards my shell.

Eileen = scaredy cat


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