Monday, September 10, 2007

The rain is back..

..and it makes me sadder as I hear the raindrops patter on the roof top and the window pane. Maybe, the supposed June-July-August rainfall has come. The weather is indeed unpredictable now. I hate it when it rains. I wished drier and not so cold -ber months. That's impossible however.

Now, everybody's stuck at home. The idea sounds better 'though -- legs nestled on the couch in a caftan with a warm blanket while reading a good book and coffee on the side as the droplets trickle down the glass window. =)

...but..but..but.. what if this is always the setting? Would it be boring?

Good thing I don't experience this as much.

Thinking about it..hmm..I'm already bored *hehe*

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