Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Fiesta Carnival

It's Wednesday and it's Senado day again. I know there are more relevant shows to watch, but, I believe the entire time is more entertaining than The Buzz or Startalk. I become a happy spectator to Cirque du Soleil no matter how boring their testimonies seem to be.
Merry-go-round is their name..boiling point is their game.

I can't explain the "satisfaction" I get from watching the agony. *wink* I don't care who's telling the truth. Just by seeing them na parang umiikot ang pwet, is indeed exciting. Weird? Yes. I guess being away made me hunger for such brouhaha. Unfiltered comedy, that is.

Incidentally, looks like Kimi's joining the bandwagon. He appears to be enjoying his own carousel. Simple yet satiating.

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