Sunday, July 15, 2007

A week that was

I'm super panda-eyed. I have had these since time immemorial but now they are vivider (if there is a word as such ;p). 7 days of sleepless nights, caring for & nurturing our little one, seem 7 years. *just kidding* Again, it's all worth it esp when you captivate what appears to be facial expressions but reflex actually.

As of the moment, I consider myself a useless cow. I have the least amount of milk for Kimi. Sometimes I feel frustrated for a few mums possess sprinkler-like bumpers, unlike me*sigh* Here, size does NOT matter. I'm just happy for Hubi's encouragement. Patience, Eileen, Patience. The key is to let the baby suck & suck until you die =) or else you'll end up having high fever & worst abscess.

It's been a week and I/we really can't get enough of the baby. I never felt this satiated before. If only I can cease his biological clock and let him be like that 4ever & ever, I would.


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